South Sheridan Way Watermain Replacement and Improvement

Peel Region will be working to replace the watermain along South Sheridan Way, Pierre Place, Kiran Court and Cottonwood Court. Watermains are underground pipes that bring tap water from our water treatment plants to your area. As pipes age and our population grows, we need to replace older watermains to keep providing you with high quality water.

The most up to date information can be found on the Peel Region website here

Phase 1 - Southdown Rd to Indian Rd

South Sheridan Way will be closed to all through traffic from Southdown Road to Indian Road. This temporary road closure is expected to occur from the week of October 2, 2023, into winter of 2024. A detour route will be clearly marked with road signs. Please see the attached map for the detour route. Residents who live on the street will have access to their homes. Access to businesses will be maintained. Emergency service vehicles will be permitted to cross through the closure with guidance from the onsite contractor.

Phase 2 - Indian Rd to Tridom Ct

In spring of 2024, a second road closure on South Sheridan Way from Indian Road to Tridom Court will be implemented until the end of 2024. During this phase, watermain replacement and improvement work will be commencing on Gallant Drive, Chippenham Drive, Hermant Court, Kowal Drive and Woodeden Drive. We will deliver more detailed information to your home or business closer to the proposed construction date.

Community Information Meeting - November 20, 2023